Postgraduate Full-Time Programmes 2022/2023 Application

Application Start Date: 17/04/2024 23:00:00
Application Closing Date: 12/03/2025 23:00:00
Application Fee: 28000.0
Send email after submission: yes


Application Instructions

Candidates are advised to have a valid e-mail account before starting the application process.

Candidates are to provide three referee details while filling the form. After payment and successful submission of the form, the referees will then receive an automated reference request. You should ensure you have their consent before you apply.

  1. Click on 'Register for application' at the top left of this page to proceed.
  2. Provide all necessary information. Note that * means compulsory fields.
  3. An immediate mail will be sent to the provided email address (use your email not the cybercafe's mail).
  4. Open your mail to get your system generated id and password that you will use to login.
  5. Go to click on 'Login' (top right of front page).
  6. Enter your user name and the password from the mail to login.
  7. To start the application process, please click on 'Edit application record' and provide all required information and upload you passport photograph.

Payment Instructions

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your user name and the password as sent to your email to login.
  3. To make payment, click 'Edit application record'.
  4. At the bottom of the page click on 'Add online payment ticket'.

Interswitch Payment: ATM-Enabled Verve, Visa or Master Card from any commercial Bank.

  1. Click on the Payment_ID of the ticket created.
  2. (ii) Click on ‘CollegePAY’ at top of your page. Confirmation page will appear to enable you cross-check your payment details. If ok, Click ‘Submit’ to proceed with the payment through Interswitch payment gateway.
  3. Select your card type from the ‘drop down’ ( Verve, Visa or Master Card), enter your card details i.e Card number, expiry date, CVV2, pin and click “Pay”.
    Note : Your CVV2 is the 3- digit number printed at the back of your card.

If your payment is successfully validated, you can proceed to submit your completed application form and print your application slip.

Applications are subject to withdrawal if it is discovered that false information was entered on the application form.

Any applicants found to have provided fraudulent information will not be allowed to apply to the University again and will have any other applications withdrawn (including applications made in future academic sessions). If fraud is suspected then the University will contact the awarding body stated to verify that the information is genuine.

Request that your transcript be sent to;

The Secretary
School of Postgraduate Studies
Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria
or by email:

If you have any questions about postgraduate study please contact us:
+234 703 552 7443 or by email:

Submitting your application
Your application will only be submitted to us when you click the 'Submit Application' button.
If you've forgotten to fill in any sections, you'll be prompted to go back and complete them at this stage.